Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Week 15 - Summer is Here!

15 weeks! Not much has changed since last week, but I can assure you that space is getting crowded down there.  The last day of school was last Friday - yes, last Friday - so summer is officially here!  Our school system called ZERO snow days this year, so we actually got out of school on schedule.  I don't think I'll know what to do with an extra two or three weeks of freedom.....sure I do, start serious preparations for Baby Turner!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Law School Graduation

     I graduated from Law School today!  It's been a long, fulfilling journey - one that I could not have made without the support and love of my dear friends and family and of course my extremely patient wife! Many thanks to those who encouraged me and saw me through the past three years.  Now, I just have to find myself a job.  Anyone out there in the market for a highly talented and motivated 30-something JD?

Me, in the pretty slick-looking, yet incredibly expensive, law robe rental.

Preparing to be hooded by several of my professors.

Me with law comrade and close friend, Mike B.

Me and babe: Self-Portrait

Swanky dinner at Vincenzo's.

These photos are to be entered into evidence to show my kids that Dad used to have a sense of humor at some point in the past.