Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Week 18 - Getting Off the Couch

So I didn't feel well for about 5 weeks during the first trimester.  By Week 13, I thought I was home free.  Unfortunately (or fortunately), that same sour-stomach feeling returns if I lay around all day.  Doesn't my body know that teachers do that sort of thing during Summer Break?!?  So much for being sedentary!  As a result, I have taken up walking at Seneca and/or Cherokee Park here in Louisville.  Besides the beautiful scenery and amazing people-watching-opportunities, I have the most amazing walking partner.  I just can't say enough wonderful things about this dad-to-be!  He's kind, thoughtful, funny, and he gets me off my rear and gets my heart pumping.  Thanks Babe!  My body, mind, and soul appreciate you!

1 comment:

  1. You are starting to pop out! You look adorable and I'm glad you found a way to beat your nausea!
