Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sitting Tall

          While RLT has been able to sit up on her own for quite some time, it was on this day that she pushed herself to the sitting position all on her own!  She did it three times in a row at Aunt Laura's house this weekend.  Daddy has yet to see it, but we're sure she will do it again!
          Also, this week, Bugga has spent more time hitching back and forth on her hands and knees than ever before.  She looks as if she might move one her knees forward to crawl but then lays back down on her belly to army crawl.  She's getting so close!

          Unfortunately, our precious little girl caught Mommy's cold.  She has miserably rubbed her little nose raw.  Her eyes water, and those little sneezes are quite productive.  Poor thing!  On another health-note, we have opted to stop her vitamin intake for a while.  We think the iron is causing, or should I say not causing, her to be balanced.  Hopefully things will get easier for her in the days to come.
          Daddy started a new job at Target this week.  He's still drumming up some business in his own Law Practice, but this will help also.  What a family man!


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