Sunday, July 28, 2013

Summer Daze

Summer is winding down and we have been cherishing every moment with RLT.  The weather has been incredible this past week so we have taken advantage of it. We've made our last summer trips to see GiGi in Indy, the Zoo, and the Big Four; and we've even spent a lot more time working out at the farm.  Homegirl really loves to feel the breeze in her hair and the sun on her face (we're going to have to teach her the importance of sunscreen early!).

Speaking of her fair complexion, our little doll has taken to throwing mini-tantrums when Mommy or Daddy leave the room. Although we hate to see her cry, it is a nice feeling being loved so much that someone will scream her face off to get you to come back into the room.  I say "scream her face off" because the poor girl gets incredibly red faced and blotchy any time she sheds a tear.   (We'll have to teach her the importance of composure soon, too!)  We've loved every minute we've had with her this summer; and although we're sad to get back to the grind, we are excited to see what changes a new school year will bring.

Mom can't wait to get back to school!

Just kidding...she's gonna miss her mid-morning snuggles.

Daddy's two best girls!

1 comment:

  1. Somehow I missed the past couple of posts until now. I love her!!!
